ACTIVATE(D): Rose #1 - "In the Midst of Undoing"

Several years ago, Rose walked into an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar city. In the throes of being “undone” by God, she threw up her hands, left her salon, and moved to a town north of Detroit to begin anew. But when is life ever that simple?

Looking back, Rose would consider the years leading up to her move a process of discovering what she didn’t want to do, who she didn’t want to be. Taxed and stressed out, she calls that season “wandering in the desert.” She was fundamentally unsatisfied, yet convinced that she had her life figured out. She was confident she knew where she was going, but she was leading herself in circles.

A wake up call came in the form of a severe accident, resulting in a broken neck. Her injury ought to have left her unable to walk and incapable of speech, BUT GOD began to teach her the value of her voice as it was inexplicably restored along with her normal physical capabilities. She was jarred out of her spiritual sleepwalking and into a fresh consciousness.

In the wake of that trauma, God directed Rose to a new home church, Renewal Warren (see Pastor Wayne’s story here), where she was invited to explore her identity and plumb the depths of her triumphs and failures, joy and pain. In the midst of her undoing, she found an opportunity to become. When all she knew had been unraveled before her eyes, Rose found a way forward as she joined her church on the Missional Pathway. She saw the faithfulness of God in her life story and ardently took hold of the hope of Christ that anchors the soul. The Lord was restoring her identity. She considers this restoration hinge upon which she pivoted into a lifestyle that openly invited the Spirit to use her to make new disciples of Jesus Christ: “When you find out what you’re designed for, the Spirit can use you in a whole new way.”

Renewal Warren pays close attention to God’s intimate orchestration of each individual’s life from the very beginning, honoring the way they have been prepared to be His instruments. In that environment, Rose has been encouraged to explore the unique platforms she holds in the lives of not-yet-believers in the Lord Jesus. So, she decided to go back to school and open a new salon against all odds, to disciple women who feel defeated and insignificant into the glorious Kingdom of God! As an educator and employer, she invites those under her care to consider the gospel and a restored identity, based in unshakeable hope instead of a broken past. Women are being saved and she is sharpening her tools regularly!

Who has the Lord given you a unique compassion to reach? How do you think He has formed your story to bring them the gospel in a special way? Tell us about it in the comments!


“The broken and abused will find themselves healed and whole, as they learn to search and surrender all the hidden places of their hearts. Christ-like identities will come to life, as women of God learn to walk in freedom and discipleship.”


Let the Chains Fall Off


(VIDEO) reFocusing update | November 25, 2019