Ask God to Fill You with His Love!

Philippians 1:9-11 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Oh, to be filled with this love… As Paul prays for the Philippians, we see his hope for the fruit of this amazing love to flow in the Church.  Paul wants their love to abound, to grow in leaps and measures with knowledge and experience.  

Love can be defined as actions that are motivated by the well-being and growth of the one we are loving.   For God so loved that He gave…. Take note that the action of Him giving Jesus for our sins, is the epitome of love. Oh, how I long to see this love abound, overflow, and exude from my life.  

Paul says that this loving person will be able to “discern what is best” –  that is, to see the truth in their life and actions.  He goes on to say that they will be “filled with the fruit of righteousness” by the very presence of Christ.  

What a desirable life this love of God produces: a person who is abounding in loving actions, with a discerning eye to see truth all around them, and great fruit from a life of Spirit-motivated behavior.  Oh, we need more of this love.

Dear Lord, we ask today that you would fill us with this amazing love of Christ.  We want to abound in this love, to know You ever more, to be filled with Your marvelous wisdom and discernment.  Dear Lord, oh that our lives would flow with the fruit of righteousness to the glory, honor and praise of Jesus Christ!


A Symphony of Prayer


(VIDEO) reFocusing update | February 5, 2019