If Christianity is One Faith Among Many…

If the Christian faith is but one among many, then a sensibly reasonable approach to applying its teachings is appropriate.

If Christianity is just one philosophy among several, holding your faith as you do your political convictions is understandable.

If church involvement is considered one of numerous “membership commitments” then it is wise to be measured in your investment.

The thing is, Christianity cannot be any of these, for any of us. If it is but one of many of anything, then it is a lie. A hoax. The reasonable thing to do is to have nothing to do with it. The claims of Christ are so radical, singular, and exclusive they stand alone. Without rival in all of human history. They should be unrivaled in our lives. Shouldn’t they?

The seminal question: Is Christianity true?

If Jesus Christ is the completely unique Son of God [John 3:16], the way, the truth, and the life, the only route to the Father [John 14:6], the One in whom the fullness of God dwells [Colossians 2:9], then to be reasonable in your commitment to your faith is the most unreasonable thing you could ever do.


(VIDEO) reFocusing update | February 5, 2019


Merry Christmas from the reFocusing team!