(VIDEO) ACTIVATE(D): Erika #2 - "Some Good News From the Front Lines"
(Used with permission)
Remember Erika? When I met her for the first time many months ago, she was in the midst of ongoing turmoil that called her health, finances, and family’s future into question.
I got to know her during the pilot of the ACTIVATE(D) cohort and rejoiced when the Lord provided work for her that fed her spirit and met her fiscal needs. Now Erika is in the thick of the rapidly changing atmosphere of this season! But don’t take my word for it. Breathe a sigh of relief as she gives us a look at some hope in crisis, good news from the front lines:
“Mercy Warehouse has been epic! We’re doing drive through food bank days and feeding more people each week. The beautiful thing is getting to know them and having them know I’ll never turn them away. I’m having these wonderful talks with a consignment shop owner and his boyfriend. It’s been so good. He’s really opening up. Another man that comes in all the time opened up about his recent rough season after I shared some testimony with him.
This is Taylor. He came to us when he found himself suddenly homeless. He was so blessed by the simple gift of a sandwich and some provisions. He has been working and is now housed! He came in and volunteered for a couple hours and totally filled a desperate need I had. What a blessing. He had been there an hour working away when I ran into him. His generosity and joy almost brought tears to my eyes.
And this is Johnny, a wonderfully joyful consignment shop owner who comes is to the Mercy Warehouse daily. He is definitely a gift from the Lord. He is like my personal encourager. His joy is contagious and his words of affirmation melt away the chaos of all this. “One of the greatest things that come out of this coronavirus for me is getting to know you… Your spirit ignites my inner light ” - Johnny. Pray for this dear heart, he is so spiritual and my hope is that through this experience I can lead him to the one true God, Jesus.
My best moments are these:
I’ve redeemed a volunteer that was given a second chance. She’s been vital to my workflow and I’ve been able to help others see her value.
A homeless couple came looking for me whiles I was at lunch and told my friend that “Erika is the only one in my life that treats me like a human being”.
And then Taylor, that I’m getting to know, brought me special thick gloves to work with and was so happy to share, he told me “you have no idea how grateful I am, you gave me a sandwich when I had nothing.”
These moments remind me why I leave my family each day. My presence changes people, shifts the atmosphere, spreads the gospel, reflects Christ’s love and calls Heaven down.”