ACTIVATE(D): Megan #1
I have walked in darkness for a long time, even though I was brought up going to church. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was about five years old. I sang all those delightful Sunday school songs in church and with my mom at home, like Jesus Loves Me, The B-I-B-L-E, and I’ve Got the Joy-Joy-Joy-Joy Down in My Heart. Then something happened when I was just eight years old…..

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
We hope [this story] will inspire you with how God can use what appear to be obstacles, like cultural differences, and turn them into opportunities! And we hope it will encourage you with how He can bless small steps toward sharing Him with others, including those we least expect to respond well, and how as teams we can support one another to be more effective disciple-makers!

ACTIVATE(D): Terilynn #3 - "From Death to Life"
I answered the phone because I saw that it was Cody*, one of my incredible staff members. He was getting ready for the memorial of his father, which I would be attending in the morning…….

No More Church As Usual
What has this COVID season revealed? We are far too interested in getting back to what is easy, safe, known, risk-free, and ultimately not working! The assumption in play is that what we’ve known and done is what is best and right, so we have to get back to it.

(VIDEO) ACTIVATE(D): Erika #2 - "Some Good News From the Front Lines"
These moments remind me why I leave my family each day. My presence changes people, shifts the atmosphere, spreads the gospel, reflects Christ’s love and calls Heaven down…

A Symphony of Prayer
You can release the power of God’s Kingdom by seeking the King’s guidance in prayer together. Let’s make some beautiful music together.

The Transforming Power of the Gospel!
For us, the question isn’t: “Should we seek to grow in holiness?” but rather, “How do we grow in holiness?”

ACTIVATE(D): Rose #2 - "So Beyond Me"
Rose was willing to take up her cross and follow where He led. She said to Him, “Lord, here am I. Send me. I have no idea how to make this happen!” And He responded, “Do I not make rivers in the desert?”

Let the Chains Fall Off
There are many reasons why we as Christians will suffer in this life, from persecution to the simple humanity of aging, life is filled with suffering. However, there is a great truth and hope found in inviting His presence into our world through the power of worship.

ACTIVATE(D): Rose #1 - "In the Midst of Undoing"
Several years ago, Rose walked into an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar city. In the throes of being “undone” by God, she threw up her hands, left her salon, and moved to a town north of Detroit to begin anew. But when is life ever that simple?

(VIDEO) reFocusing update | November 25, 2019
The next video installment of reFocusing's monthly development update given by reFocusing's ACTIVATE(D) Director, Nick Greenwood.

ACTIVATE(D): Wayne #1 - "Jesus' Presence Wherever We Go"
Searching for a corporate strategy to reach the lost, he found a completely reconstructed, personal sense of what is means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus.

The Presence of God in Our Pain
I so appreciate how His presence in my pain enables me to see the truth about what I want, and as the sub-currents of my lusts are forced to the surface, I see their vain brokenness and can all the more easily lay them down.

Swipe and Deploy
Why limit the transformative process to an organized church scenario?! May the Lord multiply his disciples in the most unlikely places…

Jesus' Adventurous Life
When facing important decisions, the Son of God had to withdraw to pray. This wasn’t just “an exercise” to demonstrate for us the prayer life we’re to have…