Step Four: ACTIVATE(D) Team Series

SESSION VI: the power

Session VI - The Power

Welcome to Session VI - The Power. Find this session’s summary and objective, key ideas and highlights, and pro tips for facilitating below.

  • Session VI Summary and Objective

    • Summary: A prioritization of God’s glory that leads us to embrace our complete dependence on Him, listening to His voice to experience His power through prayerful lives of risk. 

    • Objective:

      • Experience the Spirit’s power through prayer-dependent lives of risk.

  • Key Ideas and Highlights of Session VI

    • Listening Prayer: Oftentimes as believers begin to develop their prayer life, they fill their prayer-time with requests. As people grow in their relationship with the Lord, their prayer-life deepens and they begin to listen more. Throughout your Team’s discipleship journey, God will continue to increase and develop their ability to hear His voice. The Bible reminds us that His sheep will know His voice (John 10:4). God wants your Team to follow Him, not a program. And to do that, they must recognize His voice and His leading. This session is about raising the awareness of your Team to experience the Spirit’s power through prayer-dependent lives of risk.

    • Lives of Risk: As your Team grows in their ability to discern God’s voice, they will be presented with opportunities to step out in faith. So many in our culture are addicted to being comfortable. The truth is, people don’t change when they learn something new; they change when they want something more. For that reason, our prayer is that your Team will want Jesus more than they want to be comfortable. Encourage your Team to trust Jesus and step out of their comfort zone because, in doing so, they will experience God in a new way.

  • Pro Tips for Facilitating Session VI

    • This week, be intentional to invite your Team to seek the Lord and take a risk that requires a step of faith. The small steps of risk your Team takes will help them go beyond their comfort zone, follow Jesus, and deepen their faith.

    • Celebrate any steps taken. It’s not about how big or small each step is. Every step we take moves us closer to Jesus. Make it a point to follow up with your Team next week, acknowledging and celebrating the steps they’ve taken.


Chapter VI - The Power - Podcast

Here is a podcast of Chapter VI - The Power.

Listen to Podcast

Coaching Questions

Here is the outline of the Team conversation for Session VI - The Power. You can also reference the Coach’s Guide.

Download Questions

Additional Resources

The additional resources below are a way for people to continue to explore the ideas from this session.


Explore the Journey


If you have any questions, please contact We’re happy to help.


When you have completed the steps above, you are ready to move on to:
Session VII - The Source.