Step Four: ACTIVATE(D) Team Series

SESSION VII: the source

Session VII - The Source

Welcome to Session VII - The Source. Find this session’s summary and objective, key ideas and highlights, and pro tips for facilitating below.

  • Session VII Summary and Objective

    • Summary: An invitation to a Spirit-led Bible-based disciple-making approach that overcomes a purely cognitive/knowledge-based training, such that one experientially lives out his/her faith in the lives of the lost and teaches others to do the same. This is an introduction to Discovery Bible Study (DBS) as a helpful method for inviting people into discipleship.

    • Objective:

      • Learn to practice a pattern of disciple-making that is easily done, anchored in God’s Word, and led by the Spirit so that you are equipping others with a reproducible model.

  • Key Ideas and Highlights of Session VII

    • DBS. A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a disciple-making tool used to help launch gospel movements—sometimes known as Disciple Making Movements, or DMM—around the world. It’s a great way to share the good news of Jesus and form new disciples in an interactive, Holy Spirit-led format. In a DBS group, spiritually-interested people read a Bible story/passage together and discover what it says; then, they are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and share it with someone else.

    • The Importance of Modeling. People are molded into what we model, and people will often reproduce their experience, not just what’s explained to them. As your Team works through the reflection questions in Chapter VII, they will experience the DBS model for the first time. Then, during the Team conversation of Session VII, they will experience the DBS model a second time. Our hope is that your Team will experience and feel comfortable walking through the DBS model.

  • Pro Tips for Facilitating Session VII

    • Resist the tendency to teach. Instead, ask questions that engage your Team and invite participation. Make observations about the passage, not applications. Be mindful: those who have walked with Jesus longer have more of a tendency to share with people what they know rather than sharing what they see in the scripture.

    • Not only is DBS a great tool to invite those far from God into relationship with Him, but it is also a simple framework a Team can use to meet as they continue forward after Session X. That is one reason it is important to make sure your Team feels comfortable with this model. Allow space for questions and take the time to make sure your Team is comfortable with DBS.


Chapter VII - The Source - Podcast

Here is a podcast of Chapter VII - The Source.

Listen to Podcast

Coaching Questions

Here is the outline of the Team conversation for Session VII - The Source. You can also reference the Coach’s Guide.

Download Questions

Additional Resources

The additional resources below are a way for people to continue to explore the ideas from this session.


Explore the Journey


If you have any questions, please contact We’re happy to help.


When you have completed the steps above, you are ready to move on to:
Session VIII - The Impact.