Step Four: ACTIVATE(D) Team Series

SESSION VIII: the impact

Session VIII - The Impact

Welcome to Session VIII - The Impact. Find this session’s summary and objective, key ideas and highlights, and pro tips for facilitating below.

  • Session VIII Summary and Objective

    • Summary: An opportunity to answer the questions: What does it look like to fulfill your Gospel ambition? What is your realized vision five to ten years out if you fully live into your Impact Statement?

    • Objective:

      • Provoke your imagination for a passionate Gospel ambition over the next five to ten years.

  • Key Ideas and Highlights of Session VIII

    • Gospel Ambition: We want to encourage your Team to seek God for their Gospel Ambition. What would it look like if you intentionally lived to love and make Jesus unavoidable among your people? This session ties back to the Impact Statement in the fourth session of Discover A(D), helping your Team dream and explore the impact God wants you to have in the lives of those who don’t yet know Him. Many times, Christians have plans for what they want to do inside of the church and for the Body of Christ. This session is about encouraging your Team to think outside the walls of the Church into the lives of those who don’t know Him yet.

  • Pro Tips for Facilitating Session VIII

    • Here are the five questions to help people begin to dream into and envision their Gospel Ambition:

      • Who are my people?

      • Where are they? Where do I find them in my life?

      • What do they need/want? What are their felt (emotional, physical, etc.) needs?

      • How can I meet those needs? What are the ways I can serve and love them where they are, right away, possibly with the help of others?

      • What could it look like if I did this over the next five-ten years? What would the outcome be? What is the vision realized?

    • Encourage your Team to think about people who do not yet know the Lord. It’s not that serving the body of Christ isn’t important, but oftentimes, we overlook those outside of the Church. This is the space for us to dream into that vision and ask Jesus for a Gospel Ambition.


Chapter VIII - The Impact - Podcast

Here is the podcast of Chapter VIII - The Impact.

Listen to Podcast

Coaching Questions

Here is the outline of the Team conversation for Session VIII - The Impact. You can also reference the Coach’s Guide.

Download Questions

Additional Resource

The additional resource below is a way for people to continue to explore the ideas from this session.

Gospel Ambition video and retreat instructions


Explore the Journey


If you have any questions, please contact We’re happy to help.


When you have completed the steps above, you are ready to move on to:
Session IX - The Team.