Step Four: ACTIVATE(D) Team Series

SESSION IX: the team

Session IX - The Team

Welcome to Session IX - The Team. Find this session’s summary and objective, key ideas and highlights, and pro tips for facilitating below.

  • Session IX Summary and Objective

    • Summary: An establishing of helpful team practices that resource us as A(D) Team members well after the ten-session A(D) Team experience and empower us with a model for discipleship that is reproducible. 

    • Objective:

      • Embrace the value of teams and how they help us practice living as true disciple-makers.

  • Key Ideas and Highlights of Session IX

    • The Importance of Team. In this session, we want to highlight how your Team has been practicing “Teaming” with one another. We want your Team to be aware of the benefits that come from being part of a Team. Many people in our culture isolate themselves because they find it easier and more convenient than sharing life with people. The problem is, God has created us for community, intending that we share life together as we follow the Great Commission.

    • The Benefits of Being Part of a Team. Here are five benefits of Team. Which of these benefits has your Team experienced the most? (Emotional Encouragement, Practical Partnership, Active Accountability, Powerful Prayer, and Gospel Growth.)

  • Pro Tips for Facilitating Session IX

    • Here are ten ways your Team has been practicing “Teaming.” These rhythms of grace have been the framework for how you’ve met together each time:

  1. Listening to God’s Spirit in prayer together.

  2. Reflecting on what God has done in, through, and around you.

  3. Testifying to one another.

  4. Discovering who God is in scripture.

  5. Talking through challenging questions.

  6. Risking in obedience to the Spirit as He reveals “I wills” to you.

  7. Reporting on those “I wills.”

  8. Highlighting learnings and takeaways from each time.

  9. Petitioning God for salvation and transformation.

  10. Depending on Christ for His leadership in your life.

  • Here are three options the members of your Team have to move forward. Follow up with your Team members and see which of the three options they prefer.

  • Option 1: Take a pass. Your Team members can finish Session X and move on, or decide on another way to find support.

  • Option 2: Move forward with your A(D) Team members as an ongoing intentional Team, committed to the outcomes of growing in Christ and seeing new people come to follow Him!

  • Option 3: Lead a new group of people, bringing them through the Disciple-Making Team Training to launch a new Team with them.


Chapter IX - The Team - Podcast

Here is the podcast of Chapter IX - The Team.

Listen to Podcast

Coaching Questions

Here is the outline of the Team conversation for Session IX - The Team. You can also reference the Coach’s guide.

Download Questions

Additional Resource

The additional resource below is a way for people to continue to explore the ideas from this session.

Short book: Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus by J. Mack Stiles


Explore the Journey


If you have any questions, please contact We’re happy to help.


When you have completed the steps above, you are ready to move on to:
Session X - The Commission.