A Symphony of Prayer
You can release the power of God’s Kingdom by seeking the King’s guidance in prayer together. Let’s make some beautiful music together.
The Transforming Power of the Gospel!
For us, the question isn’t: “Should we seek to grow in holiness?” but rather, “How do we grow in holiness?”
Let the Chains Fall Off
There are many reasons why we as Christians will suffer in this life, from persecution to the simple humanity of aging, life is filled with suffering. However, there is a great truth and hope found in inviting His presence into our world through the power of worship.
The Presence of God in Our Pain
I so appreciate how His presence in my pain enables me to see the truth about what I want, and as the sub-currents of my lusts are forced to the surface, I see their vain brokenness and can all the more easily lay them down.
Humility – A Friend Worth Having…
Humility has to do with what we actually believe about ourselves in relationship to the world around us. Are we the hero? Are we the villain? Or, are we the dearly loved children of the supreme, all knowing, all powerful God?